Retreat with Ringu Tulku in seductive Sikkim, India 28 December – 11 January 2012

“The Shower of Blessings” Full Pilmgrimage Depart ZA Friday 23 December. Return ZA Sunday 15 January 2012. At beautiful Bodhicharya retreat centre, Sikkim, near Rumtek (Pilgrimage dates slightly flexible; retreats dates are fixed) Retreat: 16 people only each in single meditation room with med box!  “The Shower of Blessings” is the theme of this Vajrayana retreat. This

Retreat with Ringu Tulku in seductive Sikkim, India 28 December – 11 January 2012 Read More »

More News from Rinpoche

I am still in Kathmandu. Earthquake in Sikkim was very devastating. So far around 80 people found dead and 300 wounded. Around 2000 buildings damaged some unliveable including the main secretariat building and some monastery buildings also. I heard that Shedra building of Rumtek is also badly damaged. People have died in Tibet, Nepal and

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Rinpoche travelling home

Rinpoche arrived safely in Delhi from South Africa and gave a talk at Delhi University on 14 September. He and Lama Yeten travelled to Dharamsala on 15 September where they spent a couple of days with HH Karmapa. All going well, they hope to travel back to Delhi today (18th) and onwards home to Sikkim

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Rinpoche in Africa

Rinpoche arrived in Cape Town South Africa at 4.30pm on 31st August after a 24 hour journey from Germany. It’s his first trip to Africa.  Today he wrote: ‘We had nice sight- seeing yesterday. We saw seals eating fish from hand and were photographed together. We saw Owls nesting and Sun birds. Today we might

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A Message from Rinpoche

Dear Friends, Thank you so very much for the good wishes I have received from all of you. I am impressed and feel grateful for the good wishes that you all have sent me. I spent the day with my family listening to the rhythmic music of the rain on my roof and watching the

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