Author: 108
“When you expand your awareness, seemingly random events will be seen to fit into a larger purpose.” Deepak Chopra In this edition of Many Roads, Filipe Valente Rocha writes about ‘the shift to a … chemically dependent monoculture and the effect it has on the environment, as well as the traditional methods of seed production. Filipe…
POTATOES WITH BLACK PEPPER: काली मिर्च संग आलु
COOKING TIME: 15 minutes 6 medium potatoes 1/4 teaspoon crushed chilies 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup of water 2 – 3 tablespoons of lemon juice Baghaar (बघार: the method of tempering whole spices in hot fat, like olive oil or ghee allowing them to bloom, infusing their flavors into the fat…
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Nearly 50 years ago I drove through France where I experienced idyllic rustic evenings and a blue sky above the horizon. The agronomic engineer driving me looked with concern at the size and strength of the stems of wheat: “Look! By this time the wheat should be bigger and, above all, stronger. We will…
Editorial: Spring
Included in this issue of Many Roads for Bodhicharya is an account of Maggy Jones’ tragic accident and her consideration of the merit of donating parts of her body after death. This is surely an ethical question that must be faced while alive. In the context of Buddhist beliefs, there may not be an answer to the…
April Editorial
Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that. -Martin Luther King Jr. In this issue of Many Roads for Bodhicharya, Annie Dibble has written about her experience at the inception of Akong Rinpoche’s Back to Beginnings psychotherapeutic approach to “therapy” (the closest translation of the…
Editorial: January 2024
Our actions are the ground on which we stand. (From The Fifth Remembrance, Thich Nhat Hanh.) Sir Nicholas Winton died in July 2015 at the age of 106. He was dubbed the “British Schindler”, having helped rescue 669 Czechoslovakian children, most of them Jewish, from an impending invasion by Germany and preventing their murder by…
Cauliflower Leaves with Potatoes
Cooking time:: 15 – 20 minutes leaves of 1 cauliflower ( chopped fine) 1 medium potato (peeled and chopped into 8 pieces) 1 teaspoonful of coriander powder 1/4 teaspoonful of chopped chillies 1/4 teaspoonful of turmeric 1 teaspoon of amchoor 1/2 teaspoon of salt Bahhgaar (Whole spices are browned in hot oil or ghee before…
Holy Isle Retreat: Maeve O’Sullivan
this wee island birthed from Lamlash Bay * * * mandala garden – a pair of chaffinches over the daffodil beds * * * Good Friday: a blackbird moves the earth by the Buddha’s thigh * * * fragrant rosemary in the wish-fulfilment garden mother’s roast lamb * * * mistle thrush the birding website…
Sir Nicholas Winton
What seemed so poignant to me about the film Schindler’s List was the cool, unabbreviated examination of man’s inhumanity to man in the context of the holocaust. The story concerns the relocation of the Polish Jews from Krakow in late 1939, shortly after the beginning of the second world war. (Such a momentous faux pas…
November Editorial
You learn something every day if you pay attention. In this issue, Anne Katrin Voss has been interviewed by Michele Sisto. Anne started her studies at the Academy of Fine Art in Dusseldorf. Entering late into education at the age of 45, Anne pioneered Multi-cultural Constellation Work with refugees, some suffering the trauma caused by…
Anne Katrin Voss: Interview
Michele Can you tell us about yourself and briefly about your background in education? Anne Katrin Well, a lot of people ask me why I usually wear orange or purple clothes and a lot of people ask me whether I had been an Osho follower: I never was actually. As you can see behind…
Autumn Editorial
Autumn teaches us the beauty of letting go. Growth requires release – it’s what the trees do. Aloha Ka’ala The season’s change has brought to mind the necessity of understanding the nature of impermanence. The trees are shedding leaves in the gales. In Canada, this time of year is rightly called ‘the fall’. Sheltered inside the…
Edinburgh Festival 2023
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