Rigul Trust Newsletter

Dear Friends, We hope that you are well and joyful. We are very grateful, appreciative and rejoice at the kindness, generosity and help given to Ringu Tulku’s enlightenend projects through Rigul Trust and bring you news of Rigul, Kham, Tibet with this edition of the Trust 2013 Newsletter. There are regular updates on Bodhicharya Communities

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Daily life in Rigul by Shannon Lui

[portfolio_slideshow size=full autoplay=true click=openurl] Dear Friends, As many of you will know, Ringu Tulku Rinpoche was born in Rigul, Kham , Tibet, and he is still the Abbot and director of Rigul monastery. Through many difficult years, Rinpoche has had to operate from afar, in a position of exile in India. Students, friends and family

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For Jess

Jess is an amazing young woman.  Since the age of 16 she has been bed-bound and living in one room in her family home.  She suffers from severe ME.  She is now 21.  But, despite her life of pain and isolation and frequent hospital stays, Jess has founded and runs a charity for sick and

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Lazy Lama Film

Renowned German filmmaker Niko von Glasow’s newest film is now available online! [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] Click on the image above to go watch the film.[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””] The film shows Ringu Tulku not only as a Buddhist master and teacher – it also offers a personal, humorous and honest insight into his

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