Feeling better.

Dear Friends, I was a little sick on 8th March due to high blood pressure on my way to Varanasi to see and translate for HH the Karmapa. I am now going through all the check ups at the Medica North Bengal Clinic, Siliguri. I am already feeling better and my b.p. is under control.

Feeling better. Read More »

Many Roads is changing!

Dear Friends Many Roads is changing!  Following discussions about how best we can present all the great articles etc that we have received for sharing in Many Roads, we have decided to take forward the idea of our e-magazine in a slightly different form.  Instead of posting two or three issues a year, we will, from now

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A new debate and the re-launch of the general discussion forum

Dear Friends, Please have a look at the latest discussion “Going Beyond Mind in Meditation” on the debate blog of the Online Shedra: https://bodhicharya.org/bodhicharya-online-shedra/debate/ We’ve also re-launched  the general  discussion forum for all kinds of interaction and discussion: https://bodhicharya.org/bodhicharya-online-shedra/discussion-area/ Your comments and involvement would be appreciated and we look forward to hearing from you.

A new debate and the re-launch of the general discussion forum Read More »

Retreat in Oklahoma

Shantideva Retreat Bodhicharya Oklahoma Buddhist Community  Tulsa,Oklahoma USA January 15, 2011; 8:30am-2pm.  Contact immediately:  E mail for details: Jackie:    bodhicharya@gmail.com.     Surrounding areas: OK; TX; AK; KS; Welcome! A four hour Shantideva Retreat and Guided meditation.  Tulsa,Oklahoma., USA.    Previous study not required!  Beginners welcome. Retreat: Guided Meditations.   You will leave with:

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