Rinpoche’s News

Tibetan Art – Exquisite Customized Thangka Paintings

This is Salgas facebook page. You can order thankas here. https://www.facebook.com/ExquisiteTibetanArt Exclusive handpainted thangkas representing ancient Tibetan spiritual art . These paintings are traditional Karma Gardi style from one of the most renowned Tibetan artists. They serve as important teaching tools depicting the life of buddha ,various influential lamas and other deities and boddhisatvas.Furthermore they […]

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Lazy Lama Film

Renowned German filmmaker Niko von Glasow’s newest film is now available online! [wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] Click on the image above to go watch the film.[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””] The film shows Ringu Tulku not only as a Buddhist master and teacher – it also offers a personal, humorous and honest insight into his

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Rinpoche in Hong Kong

[portfolio_slideshow size=large] Ringu Tulku Rinpoche is now on teaching tour in Indonesia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In Indonesia he gave Dharma teachings and empowerments in Jakarta and visited Borobudur, the ancient Buddhist monument. Currently Rinpoche is in Hong Kong, where he talked to a full house as seen here in the photos, and is teaching

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Funeral of Uncle

The funeral went very well today. We were worried about the weather as the monsoon has not yet left and it is all the time cloudy and rainy. Bu this morning the Kanchenjunga was fully visible. The sky was completely clear and blue. The cremation was done at Taktse were you could directly see the

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News Update on Uncle

It seems Uncle Thondup Dorjee came out of samadhi after around 70 hours with some liquid coming out of the nostril. His body still was much more flexible than when he was alive. Now we have put him in the box with due ceremony. The funeral will take place on Wednesday 5th September. I have

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Uncle passes away

  This is to inform you that my uncle Thondup Dorjee passed away today the Full moon day at 5 pm Indian time at the age of 90. He had some yogurt and some milk about half an hour before and also took one Karmapa black pill. He did not seem to be in any

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