Category: The Arts

  • Bring Sickness onto the Path by Ani Karma Tsultrim

    The time of “being sick” is a precious retreat. The uncertainty of not knowing what will be opens the experience of vivid nowness. That is the life as it really is – moment by moment – not knowing what will be. That is emptiness in which everything is possible, in which we are able to…

  • The Unbearable Love Poem (Manjushri’s song) by Ani Tsering Paldron

    My mistress is this unbearable tenderness And my goal Is never to be parted from her Night and day, and every second of my life, In a close and unique embrace. In the unbearable aspect There is the certainty of death, The immeasurable space of parting; In the tenderness There is you and all beings…

  • Nomad Dharma King by Madeline Schreiber

    This small poem is inspired by HHK’s great kindness. ************************************************************ Thank you for welcoming us into your Nomadness You offer us a vast and open field We can expand our hearts and breathe in sanity Free to roam we like the colours                        Many browns and greens Your nomadness, compared to the mechanicals Is vast…

  • House of Meringue by David Gardner

    Whip up the liquid it will soon be hard, Three little pigs have run out of lard, Ivory towers killed many an elephant, Nepotism for the arrogant. Round and round the garden like a busy bee, All those petal journeys to bring honey to me. I jumped upon a lily pad to watch the ripples…

  • Awake in the Dark by Colin Moore

    Night, and the streets hum with desires hurrying to be met.  A dog chases it’s own tail as The uprooted hungry gather under street lights, Sifting the bin bags for yesterday’s food. Ego is loose in the dreams of the sleeping.  The signs are everywhere but it can’t be found.  The dawn star is not…

  • Devotion by Isabel Rodrigues

      Wind blows Mountain stays. Thoughts flow, Ego lost, in a human chain

  • Two Haiku

    On Meditation gently apply heat bubbles will surface slowly boiling suddenly by Tharlam Gyamtso ————————————————————— Way up north there are some frozen lakes like mirrors. I do not blame them. by Minna Stenroos

  • Passing by Shelagh Gardiner

    Change nurtures The shades and folds of kindly harmonies Where a full tapestry makes port, Woven from the quiet rituals of shared days. But time, being the master of all change, In every living thing, In its own time Wrenches a baleful sound, Intrudes on innocence, Darkening what comes after. Scoured of every comfort, The…

  • May the Jewel of Compassion Arise in the Lotus of your Heart by David Gardner

    Observing passing objects dissolve in liquid time, Meandering poems emerging through the rhythm of the rhyme, May, a month of blooming, transient flowers depart, Arise, compassion in the lotus of your heart, Nowhere is everywhere if you lose your strength, Inward looking thoughts have immeasurable length, Perhaps an education built on better floors, Abandoning coercion,…

  • Snapshots from Journey to Sikkim by Marion Knight

    These poems are impressions gleaned from my experience of going on retreat and pilgrimage to Sikkim. I cannot speak of the retreat as it is clear that each retreatant has their own individual retreat, their own journey and it is a deeply personal path. I can say however that, seven months on, I find that,…

  • The Beggar by Laxmi Prasad Devkota translated from the Nepali by Albert Harris

    THE BEGGAR (BIKHARI)   1 Look! – here comes a beggar, limping with every step,                      His eyes raised, pathetic, adept. A dense sadness in the silence, the light!             The string of life he plucks is worn from ages kept. In the yard with the sunshine bright!             On one point a round…

  • A Poem for Rinpoche by Maribel González.

    The intention of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas is none other than to benefit all. If when relating to great masters I get a different result it’s only because of my past deeds The nature of all phenomena is empty and as a mirage all appears. Depending on many causes and conditions also my emotions, confusion and doubts arise.…

  • Quartz by Madeline Schreiber

    Smell that wet sand, breathe it in This sand is mostly ground up quartz Ground for millions upon millions of years Quartz is the stuff of old time radios Quartz crystals dangle in sunny windows Quartz is the support of gold Gold grows on quartz, covering it like skin                   There is rose quartz strewn…

  • Painting by Andrew McConnach

    Please see for more of Andrew’s work.

  • Broken Heart Poem by Heidi Trondsen

    My heart got so broken Like a delicate glass shattered into pieces and the life water spilled to the ground I became so dry But as time went by I found the love-glue and glued it back together Now I enjoy the real heart wine that can only be drunk from a broken glass

  • Electronic Consorts by Madeline Schreiber

    This is very very fine Top o’ the line Top o’ the line Talk to my friends any time Day or night, any time Hang together vajra lovers Hang together, don’t let go Turbulences always happen Don’t let go, don’t let go There never was There never is This path of ours is joy It…

  • Lifetimes by Madeline Schreiber

    Lifetimes after lifetimes It could look like that Rolling by like mala beads Death and birth Birth and death One before the other Then another after Now one leads Now one follows All in their appointed orders Good karma, bad karma Leading and following Ticking past time One and the same Pleasing sounds of clicking…