Natural Faults of Impermanence

Prayer made on the occasion of the destruction caused by the earthquake in Jyekundo. by Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dorje May 1, 2010. From the loftiest abode high above where Brahma dwells, to the lowest of low buildings made of metal in the hells: in outward appearance, their differences are great, yet the faults of all […]

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Many Roads Bodhicharya Blog

Dear Friends, Hope you are all well. We are intending to put together a blog style e-magazine on our new Bodhicharya site at The blog will include articles; interviews; poems; reviews of books and films and music and regular features about  health and food.  It will be called  ‘Many Roads‘. But, we need your help and

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Long Life Prayer for Ringu Tulku

Osel shintu shiwai rangshinley phogyur dralwa juma tabu ku namyang dregu tsenma mishey par chime tse-lhay ngowor tsoshe sol Unchanging illusion-like appearance Manifesting from the luminosity of perfect natural harmony Always unmarked by the signs of ageing and decline May you remain in the essence of the deity of immortality by Karmapa Ogyen Trinley 2009.1.17

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Burying Peace Vase in Oxford

The peace vase made and blessed by His Holiness Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche was buried in the compound of Oxford Union on 30th April. The vase was buried by The Very Revd. Robert A Wilkes, representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury,  Laura Winwood, President, Oxford Union and Ven. Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, representative of HH the Karmapa.

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Tibet China Earthquake Update – Rigul Trust Emergency Appeal for Yushu

On 14th April 2010, an earthquake reaching 7.1 on the Richter scale struck Yushu County, Kham, an impoverished area of Tibet and largely populated by Tibetans. Official reports now put the death toll at 2,064, with more than 12,000 injured and 175 missing. Homes, schools, monasteries and health facilities have all collapsed to rubble. Since

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