Rinpoche’s News

Remembering Tenga Rinpoche

Lama Chenno! Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche entered into Samadhi We have lost another great master Who lived amongst us and only for us. We will always miss him, His immeasurable kindness, And his tireless work to help us. At his 80th birthday he declared, “I never had an obstacle in my life” All were totally shocked

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Happy New Year 2012

The year Two Thousand and Twelve has arrived. Some say this is the end of the world. Others predict it will be the beginning of a new awareness. We have just lived through a challenging and eventful year And it certainly will be another year with lots happening. But what is the use worrying about

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More News from Rinpoche

I am still in Kathmandu. Earthquake in Sikkim was very devastating. So far around 80 people found dead and 300 wounded. Around 2000 buildings damaged some unliveable including the main secretariat building and some monastery buildings also. I heard that Shedra building of Rumtek is also badly damaged. People have died in Tibet, Nepal and

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Rinpoche travelling home

Rinpoche arrived safely in Delhi from South Africa and gave a talk at Delhi University on 14 September. He and Lama Yeten travelled to Dharamsala on 15 September where they spent a couple of days with HH Karmapa. All going well, they hope to travel back to Delhi today (18th) and onwards home to Sikkim

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Rinpoche in Africa

Rinpoche arrived in Cape Town South Africa at 4.30pm on 31st August after a 24 hour journey from Germany. It’s his first trip to Africa.  Today he wrote: ‘We had nice sight- seeing yesterday. We saw seals eating fish from hand and were photographed together. We saw Owls nesting and Sun birds. Today we might

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