A warm welcome to Bodhicharya UK!

Bodhicharya UK is a Buddhist charity and is part of a wider global family of Bodhicharya people, groups, centres and organisations found in 13 countries around the world and at 35 locations, all inspired by the Buddhist teachings and guided by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, an eminent Buddhist Master. The  activities of Bodhicharya UK are informed by Bodhicharya’s principles of Healing, Helping and Harmony.

Within the UK itself, there are various people and groups associated with Bodhicharya who work in line with our objectives by providing Buddhist teachings, courses and retreats, facilitating inter-religious and intercultural dialogue, or providing services to help support mental, emotional and spiritual well-being and those in need. Bodhicharya UK works to support these activities.

Here you will find information about our Patron Ringu Tulku Rinpoche, our Trustees and details about Bodhicharya UK’s objectives, projects and links to our affiliate groups and organisations. If you would like to get in touch, then please contact us here, as we will be happy to hear from you.

Wishing you Healing, Helping and Harmony in your life – The Bodhicharya UK Team.

Bodhicharya UK to open their first Dharma Centre!

In May 2024, during Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s visit to Bodhicharya Kent in Rochester, it was announced that the charity had been working with Medway Council to open a Bodhicharya UK Buddhist Community Center there, to help further the charity’s objectives and provide a home for Buddhists within the multi-faith Medway towns. We are happy to announce that process is now complete as the lease agreement with Medway Council was signed on 13th January 2025 and so Bodhicharya UK’s first Dharma Centre is now a reality!

Click here to read more

Healing : Buddha Dharma is regarded to be the Science of Mind. There are facilities for the study and practise of Dharma and other ancient wisdoms originating from both Eastern and Western traditions, which provide a basis for healing body and mind.

Helping : Life is meaningless if we do not do something useful to benefit society and the world we live in. Bodhicharya has already funded schools, clinics, and hospices, and plans to generate similar projects in the future for the benefit of those in need.

Harmony : Peace and progress in the world is dependent upon the harmony of its people. Inter-religious, inter-cultural and interdisciplinary dialogue and study are initiated to help bring better understanding and more harmony amongst communities worldwide.